Home Remedies


Are home remedies a thing of the past? Since the arrival of commercialisation as we know it, before high street stores and mega factories, even before the time of the wild west snake oil salesmen and fake apothecaries, our ancestors survived on nature-based living, Back then, everyone looked to nature for healing.

Let’s go back in time when people looked towards nature for cures for whatever ails them. Mother nature herself provided the medicine chest with infinite possibilities to cure or kill.


Are home remedies a thing of the past? Since the arrival of commercialisation as we know it, before high street stores and mega factories, even before the time of the wild west snake oil salesmen and fake apothecaries, our ancestors survived on nature-based living, Back then, everyone looked to nature for healing.

Alas, we think nothing now of seeking a quick fix of over the counter drugs or stronger prescription medicine. If we experience an ache, suffer a sting or an insect bite, we are ready to turn to the medicine cabinet or trip to the pharmacy.

A mere cough, sneeze or allergic reaction, we are likely to buy the latest fix that the pharmacy has to offer. When someone we know has a medical problem albeit constipation or swelling, they decided that a stranger on a social media website, or even a comment on Google, probably the doctor, the pharmacist and even a television commercial between soaps are right in what they suggest is the best cure. Some of us may remember a time before Google, others know no different, but we live in an age where chose our cures according to what we want to believe.

Let’s go back in time when people looked towards nature for cures for whatever ails them. Mother nature herself provided the medicine chest with infinite possibilities to cure or kill.

60 A4 pages. 10,000 words.


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